I was talking with Hazel this morning and we found that would be a good idea to create here an instance to share useful literature for our Master's projects. All of us are aiming to helping through the wide concept of design, so I feel that would be useful to share some sources of knowledge, inspiration, reflexion, etc… I will start below with the list of some sources that I have been checking. Please, feel free to re-organize the contents and ADD INFORMATION TO SHARE!
Daniela V.
Daniela V.
1. Lave, J. "Situating learning in communities of practice" http://www.udel.edu/educ/whitson/files/Lave,%20Situating%20learning%20in%20communities%20of%20practice.pdf
2. Gardner, H. "Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligence" http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=9970587
3. Ken Robinson en TED 2006
1. Papanek, Victor (1971). Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change, New York, Pantheon Books
2. http://www.futurecraft.dundee.ac.uk/
3. Tim Brown on TED:
4. John Thackara (2006) In the bubble - designing in a complex world
5. Jonathan Chapman (2005) Emotionally Durable Design - objects, experiences and empathy
2. http://www.futurecraft.dundee.ac.uk/
3. Tim Brown on TED:
4. John Thackara (2006) In the bubble - designing in a complex world
5. Jonathan Chapman (2005) Emotionally Durable Design - objects, experiences and empathy
6. Jonathan Chapman and Nick Gant (2007) Designers, Visionaries and other stories - a collection of sustainable design essays
1. Maturana, H. and Varela, F. (1988). The Tree of Knowledge. New Science Library, Shambhala, Boston. p 242
2. Rob Hopkins (2008) The Transition Handbook - from oil dependency to local resilience
also at http://transitionculture.org/
2. Rob Hopkins (2008) The Transition Handbook - from oil dependency to local resilience
also at http://transitionculture.org/